KallistiOS: KOS Roadmap
Roadmap to 2.1.1
High Priority
- Fix any bugs/regressions reported in 2.1.0.
- Network stack speed improvements.
Medium Priority
- Add example program support to kos-ports and move examples over to the kos-ports tree.
- Bug testing on all the feature-creep over the past few years.
Low Priority
- A slimmed-down mode that removes all non-essential pieces.
Roadmap to 2.1.0
Well, having a roadmap kept me on task for 2.0.0, so here is the start of one for 2.1.0. Note that some of this stuff has been carried over from undone tasks from 2.0.0.
High Priority
- Fix any bugs/regressions reported in 2.0.0.
- Fix the broken mic driver. — Done as of Commit 230164. Thanks to Neoblast for (sorta) noticing it was broken.
- Fix how certain incorrect video cables are handled to match how the BIOS does it ("|darc|'s broken cable bug") — Done as of Commit 030b10. Thanks to |darc| for reporting it. This bug is somewhat special, in that it pretty much affects every piece of homebrew Dreamcast code. It can be traced all the way back to the video example done by Marcus Comstedt way back in the beginning.
- Remove the ia32, PS2, and GBA ports. — Done as of Commit f91fc6.
Medium Priority
- Bug testing on all the feature-creep over the past few years.
- -std=gnu99 -Wall -Werror — Done as of Commit d9c299.
Low Priority
- PPP support for the modem. — libppp added in Commit 39f27f, modem support added to libppp in Commit e12971.
- A slimmed-down mode that removes all non-essential pieces.
- -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wextra -Werror — Done as of Commit 10c8de.
"Pie in the Sky" Priority
- A package management system that I've tried to plan out for far too long. — Done.
- -std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -Werror — Done as of Commit 5b49fe.
"Why would you even bother? Are you insane, or just a glutton for punishment?" Priority
- -std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Werror — Done (as far as I really care to go, anyway) as of Commit f6fff5.
Roadmap to 2.0.0
Released May 23, 2013
Below is a list of things that need to be cleaned up/done before a new release of KOS is done. At the moment, this means before 2.0.0 (yes, I am going to call it 2.0.0, not 1.3.0), but presumably at some point in the future this'll be updated for later versions. Pretty much, this is just a list of my random thoughts at the moment, but it should still provide some idea of what should be done, and the priority given to each task.
High Priority (i.e, this stuff needs to be done)
- Update documentation/website to actually reflect the current state of things. — Done (I think), as of June 20, 2012.
- Finish providing Doxygen comments for all major parts of KOS. — Done, as of r750/Commit 0d81ac6.
- Remove all traces of the OLD Maple API. — Done, as of r716/Commit c0571aa.
- Read-only support for some filesystem on an SD card. — Done with the addition of libkosext2fs in Commit 217f0ed8.
- Write support for libkosext2fs. — Done, as of Commit e89ecd.
Medium Priority (i.e, it'd be nice if this got done)
- Finish implementation of IPv6 in the network stack. — Done, as of r771/Commit b55b456.
- Bug testing on all the feature-creep over the past few years.
Low Priority (i.e, its doubtful, but one can hope, right?)
- A working TCP implementation in the network stack. — Done, as of r794/Commit 0f833ae.
- Provide examples of all interesting new functionality since 1.2.0. — This has mostly been done as we went along, actually...
"Pie in the Sky" Priority (i.e, not going to happen)
- A slimmed-down mode that removes all non-essential pieces.
- A package management system that I've tried to plan out for far too long.
- PPP support for the modem.
- World Peace?
As you can see, its pretty rough right now, but at least it gives SOME idea of where things need to go.